The ECOC Minister serves as the primary preacher and teacher for the congregation as well as an ambassador to the community. We are open to a full or part-time minister. Further education is encouraged but not required.
• Ability to deliver dynamic sermons
• Ability to teach engaging and effective classes
• Strong organizational skills
• Ability to connect socially across all spectrums (age, race, education level, socioeconomic status, etc.)
• Ability to lead singing desired but not required
* Additional elements of the job will be tailored around the skillset, personality, and desires of the chosen candidate. This will also be reevaluated after 6-9 months to best determine what fits for the minister and the church.
Congregation Description
ECOC is a diverse congregation in almost every way: age (evenly spread across the spectrum, average age is roughly 45), race (roughly 70% Caucasian, 20% African American, 10% Hispanic), socioeconomic status (evenly spread across the spectrum), education level (evenly spread across the spectrum), religious background (roughly 70% CoC, roughly 30% other Christian denominations).
We currently average around 30 People on Sunday morning. We are currently served by 2 Shepherds.
ECOC is a very warm and loving congregation. Our goal is to extend as much love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness as we need to receive. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other command greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31 HCSB If we can achieve this, everything else will fall into place.
ECOC has used a system of “Growth Groups” in lieu of Sunday evening service. ECOC also had an internally developed Sunday morning children’s ministry program, called KidSpark.