When a church search committee is looking at a candidate’s resume, some of their questions are “what is this person’s passion?” and “what ministry direction are they heading in?” When they understand that, it will help them more quickly determine if this is a person they want to continue to get to know.
When putting together your resume, make sure to clearly articulate the direction God is calling you. One of the ways to do this is by including a brief personal mission statement for your ministry. Make this one of the first things the reader sees. I think it is good to have it either right at the top or right below your picture. That statement immediately sets the tone for the rest of the resume. The reader now reads everything else in light of your statement.
What is a ministry mission statement? It is a brief statement that very concisely communicates your desire and heart for ministry. Ideally, it is one statement or one sentence. For example, my personal ministry mission statement is: “My desire is to lead a Gospel-centered, disciple-making church with purpose and vision and to preach the Word of God with passion and boldness in a manner worthy of God.”
In this one sentence, I articulate the type of church that I want to serve: a gospel-centered, disciplemaking church. I describe my leadership style which is purposeful and vision-driven. And then I also describe my personal passion and gifting which is preaching. And finally, the statement ends by recognizing that my desire is to do all this in a manner that is pleasing to God. In this statement, a church can see that the type of position I am looking for is one where I can be purposeful in leadership and preaching.
When writing a ministry mission statement, be specific. Everyone may have a desire to make disciples but how do you want to do that? If you are working with youth, use “youth” or “student ministries” or “the next generation” in your statement. If you are a worship leader, talk about leading a congregation in worship. Let that one statement describe your heart for God and your heart for His calling in your life. If someone was only reading your ministry mission, would they know what type of position you are seeking?
When I see a candidate with a personal mission statement, it tells me that this candidate has thought through who they are and what God is calling them to do. Churches are attracted to candidates who recognize their gifting and calling because they know they will live out their role with purpose and intention.
If you do not have a personal statement, takes some time and pray through who you are and what God is leading you to do.